
Contact us

Phase one

We publish job ads and assess applications

Pre-selection is the preferred method of searching for candidates for specialist and administrative positions, which includes two stages:

(1) posting job ads through trusted channels and assessing applications, (2) psychological testing through which we check various parameters to find a candidate who is the best fit for the job description and culture of your organization.

Phase two

We conduct a detailed candidate assessment 

Psychological testing is an objective and standardized way of assessing the candidate that we apply to define the profile of the person who is the best fit for the given position.

We present the assessment results in a report that will help you in deciding on hiring candidates, but also in developing and promoting current employees.


Are you looking for a specialist or an administrator?

You are in the right place. We provide dedicated professionals with extensive experience who foster a partnership approach and tailor the search to your organization's needs.


Leave the job of finding the best candidate to us.

Build your team with the help of the most trusted HR experts in Croatia.