
Do you know what are the new trends in hiring managers?

  • 01. July 2024.
  • 4 min read

Along with changes in the labour market brought by new generations of employees, as well as technology, comes a change in managerial roles. Managers today have a much wider range of skills and diverse experience, which is why more and more of them are leaving organizations and moving into entrepreneurial waters. In such a market environment, it is increasingly challenging for employers to retain competent managers, while expectations on both sides are growing. We present an overview of current news and trends that dictate the managers' employment and work dynamics.

In addition to usual managerial skills, leadership competencies are required

During the last 20 years, we have successfully found and tested managers for almost all leading companies, so based on years of experience, we have gained a detailed insight into trends and changes in the labour market.

In addition to a larger financial package and digitalized onboarding, candidates applying for managerial positions have recently been attracted by numerous intangible benefits such as autonomy and flexibility in work and an organizational culture that nurtures mental health.

At the same time, employers look for emotional intelligence, rich generalist knowledge and skills gained through accumulated experience in different jobs. They are sure that managers with these characteristics will be able to look at challenging situations from a strategic broader perspective and maximize the value of new tools. These are the qualities of real leaders and candidates who aspire to management positions know the importance of acquiring these skills, so the search for managers has never been more dynamic.

Replacement of old managerial approaches with new ones

The willingness of a significant number of managers to replace outdated approaches with new ones to achieve sustainable success and a positive impact on the team and the organization is becoming increasingly evident.

That's why we run the Leadership Academy, which has so far educated thousands of leaders from almost all industries. It is designed as a path of personal transformation that teaches leaders to develop self-awareness so that they can recognize their own strengths and opportunities for growth.

In this way, managers develop leadership competencies that help them manage teams, prevent conflicts and motivate employees. Such skills are an indicator of high adaptability to recruiters and headhunters, which is a bonus when hiring for management and managerial positions.

Why adaptation of managers to new business requirements is necessary

With the influence of the dynamic market and the emergence of the trend of reducing the role of middle management (unbossing), the adaptation of managers is becoming one of the most sought-after skills. We have already written about unbossing, which brings a completely new approach to work and management. This new trend puts emphasis on the responsibility of teams, which today are more and more innovative and professional. That is why managers must know how to adapt to different conditions, processes and technologies because this is the only way to remain relevant.

Therefore, many companies rely on external HR consultants to help organizations provide training and support in developing the necessary skills of middle managers.

Another trend in managerial positions is job crafting, which refers to proactive and deliberate actions that managers take to redesign the job. Today, managers are changing work assignments to match their skills, interests and desires for professional growth. Research shows that this trend leads to an increase in employee engagement and a sense of control through innovation and adaptability, which leads to the emergence of intrinsic motivation and further development.

In addition to adaptation and further improvement in the field in which they work, managers are faced with a career switch trend. They are more and more open to career changes and taking on new roles, and they see it as a great addition to personal growth, as well as to the growth of the organization. Therefore, flexibility, innovation in hiring and adaptability to market changes are key to attracting and retaining top management talents.

Considering that we employ experts from different fields, we always appreciate the diversity of competencies in versatile candidates. We therefore see career change as a positive sign of ambition and desire for continuous professional development, and less as a negative indicator.

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