Pernod Ricard Croatia, Senior Brand Manager (m/f/d)

Our client, Pernod Ricard, is the world leader in the market of spirits and wines. Since its founding in 1975, Pernod Ricard has been constantly evolving, based on both organic growth and bold acquisitions.

For Pernod Ricard we are currently looking for a motivated and proactive individual for the position of:

Senior Brand Manager (m/f/d)

Location: Zagreb

Senior Brand Manager - Croatia, is responsible for leading the development and execution of brand strategies to increase equity, drive growth and maximize market share. In this position, you will work closely with cross-functional teams, including Marketing, Sales, and Finance, to develop and implement integrated strategic marketing plans, product launches and brand activations that meet consumer and market needs, promoting lasting brand loyalty. You will also be responsible for leading a team of two people, providing mentorship and guidance with a strong leadership approach.

Main responsibilities:

  • Developing and implementing marketing plans by adapting the global brand strategy to local needs
  • Planning above-the-line and below-the-line strategies
  • Tracking the effectiveness of marketing strategy and activities based on KPIs
  • Developing highly efficient collaboration with brand companies
  • Overseeing budget management, financial planning, resource allocation, and cost control
  • Leading marketing agencies and collaborating with other external providers
  • Managing budget planning for the assigned portfolio and expense tracking
  • Analyzing brand performance and applying insights to develop new strategies and activities
  • Monitoring and evaluating AC Nielsen reports, IWSR reports, and retailer sell-out data
  • Identifying opportunities and threats through careful market assessment
  • Monitoring competitors' marketing activities and developing counter strategies
  • Assisting in the realization of brand and corporate events
  • Collaborating with the sales team to drive marketing actions
  • Working closely with finance, logistics, and sales departments

Required skills, knowledge and experience:

  • 5+ years of experience in marketing roles related to international brand management
  • University degree
  • Team Leadership – Ability to guide and inspire a team
  • Creative problem solving with a winning and growth mindset
  • Agile thinking and lateral thinking
  • Proactive and goal-oriented approach
  • Excellent knowledge of English

Your application will be treated as confidential.

SELECTIO Ltd. is licensed by the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy for performing mediation services for employment No. UP/I 102-02/09-04/15.

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Kako izgleda selekcijski proces?

Naš standardni selekcijski proces uključuje online sastanak i temeljiti strukturirani intervju, provjeru preporuka i psihologijsko testiranje. Ovisno o zahtjevima klijenta, moguća su odstupanja, poput dodavanja ili izostavljanja određenih koraka. U cijelom procesu pružamo podršku kandidatima za sva pitanja i karijerno usmjerenje te u situacijama kad je kandidatima teško donijeti odluku o promjeni karijere.

Koliko traje selekcijski proces?

Selekcijski proces može trajati dulje od uobičajenih in-house regrutacijskih procesa jer uključuje i naše i klijentove selekcijske postupke. Trajanje uvelike ovisi o specifičnostima i potrebama svakog klijenta, obično varira od jednog mjeseca do šest mjeseci, a najčešće traje oko 2-3 mjeseca, pri čemu uzimamo u obzir i otkazni rok kandidata.

Što dobivam prijavom u SELECTIO bazu kandidata?

Prijavom u SELECTIO bazu kandidata vaš profil postaje dostupan recruiterima koji će vas kontaktirati prilikom otvaranja novih pozicija koje odgovaraju vašim interesima. Svoje kontakt podatke, kao i bilo koje druge informacije, uvijek možete promijeniti u svom profilu.

Što ako nakon prijave u bazu ne dobijem potvrdu?

Ako je prijava u bazu bila uspješna na mail će vam stići potvrda prijave. U slučaju da ne vidite potvrdu provjerite neželjenu poštu. Ako zaista niste dobili potvrdu još jednom provjerite jeste li unijeli sve podatke i jeste li učitali životopis.

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